Who can be a suitable candidate for hair transplant treatment?

Both men and women belonging to all races can be good and suitable candidates for the hair transplant procedure.

To be chosen and considered for a hair transplant treatment, a person needs two things:

1. Enough amount of healthy hair on the patient’s scalp that can be easily transplanted to the area that needs new the hair follicles.

2. The physical ability to grow hair in the thinning area of the scalp During a consultation with your dermatologist, you can get to find out if you have got both. A consultation with the dermatologist will give you a proper and thorough scalp exam.

To ponder out why you are having hair loss, you may also require doing a blood test. This blood test can check for multiple things going on inside your body that may be the cause of your hair loss. Some of the patients require a procedure known as the scalp biopsy. The dermatologist can promptly and easily take what is required for the scalp biopsy during your visit for consultation.

If the test results show that you are a perfect candidate for a hair transplant treatment, then your dermatologist can discuss with you what results you may and may not expect. Expecting a full head of hair may be a bit unrealistic, but a much fuller head of hair, than the condition before surgery, can be the expectation goal.

The hair which has been transplanted from the donor site, shed within a few weeks. quickly following the transplantation process but this is quite a normal situation as the hair will grow back again on the newly transplanted site, 3-4 months later. After this period when the temporary shedding has recovered, all the transplanted hair follicles tend to preserve all their characteristics and they are not lost. However, it is to be kept in mind that the original hair in the exact same area may continue to get lost and a completely new hair transplantation process may be required to get planned depending on the rate of decrease in the density of the hair. Hair loss may continue to persist progressively even after the completion of the surgical procedure. If an unnatural look starts to appear especially within the new hair line region, an extra surgical procedure may again be required later just to fix the look.

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