The  i-PRF is a unique rejuvenation technique that uses the patient’s own blood plasma, enriched with:

  • platelets (a source of healing proteins and growth factors)
  • fibrin (the wound healing and regeneration matrix)
  • stem cells (the conductors of our body’s own healing and regeneration molecules)

This product is injected, resulting in activation of accelerated healing and regeneration. As a result, the body’s own regenerative properties are concentrated and focused on the area of concern.

i-PRF intensifies the functioning and reproduction of cells, having a gentle, gradual, yet long lasting and accumulative effect.

Of course, i-PRF results are all the more impressive when incorporated into a treatment plan with hyaluronic acid fillers, wrinkle-relaxing treatments and other skin treatments. Producing virtually no downtime, this clinic-based treatment can be used for skin and hair rejuvenation as well as treating problematic melasma and acne scars.

One of the newer applications of i-PRF is for the treatment of hair loss. It is used to reverse the hair loss in men and women as part of a multi-step treatment of the scalp that is done under local anesthesia. It appears to ‘reset’ the hair follicles and reduce the impact of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in those with Androgenetic Alopecia (pattern hair loss) and there is also growing evidence that PRP is the new ‘gold standard’ for Alopecia Areata.

What are the outcomes of i-PRF Treatment?

  • Overall tissue rejuvenation/regeneration
  • Collagen growth
  • Hair regeneration/restoration
  • Smoothing of fine lines/wrinkles
  • An overall anti-aging/wrinkle effect
  • Diminishing of pores/pigmentation
  • Diminishing of acne scars
  • Diminishing of superficial scars
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Stretch mark reduction
  • Deep scar reduction
  • Hand rejuvenation

*PRP/PRF can be used in conjunction with microneedling and/or dermal fillers to yield even better results


Is this the same as PRP? What is the difference between i-PRF & PRP?

Both PRP (platelet rich plasma), and i-PRF (injectable platelet rich fibrin) are platelet based growth factor treatments that are extracted using centrifuge.

i-PRF is the next generation of PRP. i-PRF contains greater concentrations of growth factors than PRP. i-PRF serum also contains stem cells, white blood cells (leucocytes) and fibrin – which PRP does not have.

The stem cells in the i-PRF are “undifferentiated” cells that literally morph into the cells needed to repair the hair follicles, so they can begin to produce thick, healthy hair shafts again.

Moreover once i-PRF is injected in the tissue it transforms from liquid into a gel, which not only lead to filling of voids in folds and wrinkles but also provide a powerful regenerative matrix that releases platelets’ growth factors in a physiological controlled slow manner that enhances tissue regeneration is a better way than PRP.



Frequently Asked Questions

The treatment will not be painful, rather described as minor discomfort due to the application a topical anesthetic to the skin before starting the treatment.

As i-PRF / PRP treatment uses your own blood cells, the risks of adverse reaction or complication are negligible.

In Dr. Paul’s Clinic, we use the latest technology to get the best quality of i-PRF from your blood.

There is usually some short-term redness, swelling and minor discomfort in the treated area, which may last for a few hours. Bruising to the area is less common, but if it does occur it can be easily covered by makeup.

Exceptionally, there is some downtime when it is used to treat the lower eyelids – here patients will experience some swelling for 36 hours. This can be hidden with sunglasses, but many will choose to spend time at home after they treat their lower lids. The results of  i-PRF on the lower lids lasts about two years and can create a phenomenal outcome.

This will depend on the reason for treatment. Significant skin and hair problems may need between 4 to 6 sessions for best results. These are usually given every 4 to 6 weeks.

This is then generally followed by quarterly treatments to maintain the results for the first year. After a year, the i-PRF  treatment frequency can be reduced, based on the specific requirement of the patient.

Changes begin in a matter of hours and can last many months due to the effects of the growth factors.

As the treatment harnesses your natural healing and regenerative capacity, avoiding known harmful behaviors – such as smoking and excessive UV exposure – is important following treatment.

We also advise you to avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal medication (such as ibuprofen) and Vitamin E supplements for a few weeks following treatment, and always use high factor sun protection.

If any of the following situations or health conditions apply to you, then i-PRF treatment is contraindicated.

 Pregnant or breast-feeding
 Undergoing anticoagulant therapy, such as warfarin
 Any medical condition having a significant effect on platelet function
Hemo dynamic instability

 Dr Paul’s is the first clinic in Eastern India to introduce i-PRF treatment for hair & facial esthetics.
 We use simple, effective, and 100% natural procedures.
 We are leading experts in i-PRF and other anti-aging treatments.

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